My Philosophy

I am a childbirth educator, Birthing from Within birth doula, Hypnobabies hypnodoula. I believe that all births are special and beautiful.

I enjoy supporting pregnant couples as they embark on their amazing birth journey, whether they are just becoming parents for the first time or already have other children. Sharing information and techniques helps pregnant and new moms and dads navigate the many choices and challenges that they may have about their upcoming birth. Each couple is unique, and each pregnancy is different, and each child brings his or her own blessings to his or her family. The population that I serve most frequently is the Jewish community. My vision and my goal is to assist new parents to discover inner strengths that they may not know that they had, and connect with G-dliness, no matter how they give birth and whatever medical interventions are or are not part of their experience.

At social gatherings, when I tell people that I am a doula, they ask me: “Oh, so you’re a labor coach!” Yes, I teach breathing techniques and affirmations and visualizations and relaxation methods in my childbirth classes, and when I attend a birth, I remind mom to breathe and I do lots of massage. However, a coach tells people what to do. I am there to support mom and dad’s own ways of knowing as they prepare for this special day, and as they bring their children into this world.

Birth is unpredictable. However, at every birth that I attend, I feel the Presence of G-d…so many simultaneous miracles happening at once and it is such a privilege to be there in that sacred space.

Sometimes it seems that it’s all happening so fast…here they were, a young man and woman busy with their lives, their careers, shopping and making dinner every night, and all of a sudden, they find themselves facing a new reality. They are on the road to becoming parents, as they look forward to finding themselves holding that lovey precious bundle of joy, responsible for a new human being. I teach mindfulness techniques so that we slow down this vision, and stop and take in the vast beauty, finding ways to deal with the intensity of the moment in a way that is not overwhelming.

At our prenatal meetings and childbirth classes, we talk about coping skills, as we share facts about the physiology of birth, possible medical interventions, and when they become necessary, along with the possibilities of different coping philosophies including using hypnosis for childbirth, breathing techniques, visualizations and birth art. Yes, I did say birth art. It is a lot of fun, empowering and powerful! We also discuss how I can support the new mother and father. Yes, I see my role as supporting the new father too because he is also going through a rite of passage as he joins the fatherhood club, and may have concerns of his own that deserve to be articulated and heard.

After all is said and done, what stays with me after every birth that I attend or am involved with in a different capacity is that “Every Birth is Beautiful.” If you or anyone you know who is pregnant might like to know more about what services I offer, please call or email me. I would love to hear from you!