How My Journey Began


My journey started 35 years ago.   I was then the coordinator of 350 volunteers for Shifra and Puah, an organization dedicated to helping families who had recently given birth.  Forging relationships with the families we served, organizing volunteers, spearheading support groups, coordinating fundraisers, and preparing financial statements started me on my journey as a birth professional.

My youngest son’s birth revealed to me my own strength and power in a new way and changed me forever.   Since then, I have been studying everything and anything that I can get my hands on about birth and early parenting.  Nurturing and supporting new mothers and fathers, sharing information that they need to make informed choices and to be the best parents for their children that they can be, helping them find their own voices and inner strengths and confidence with love and acceptance became my calling. We all need self compassion so that we can access our true potential as parents, and know that our voices have been heard.  This often leads them to find meaning and love in their parenting journey.

I am passionate about nourishing new parents’ roots.  When you are surrounded by support and the information that you need at the beginning, and when you are cherished by your village, your journey into parenthood takes on vibrant shapes and colors.  I love being part of that village that honors parenting as a Sacred passage and undertaking.  Life cycle events are about our stories, and I love to be present as new parents choose and shape their own narratives. 

We cherish those wonderful moments when we discover that there are new ways to understand crossing this threshold, when we brought new life into this world, even when it is unpredictable, even when the birth was not what we expected or how we would have planned this very special time. 

Helping parents build foundations to actualize their potential as loving and competent parents, as they prepare to raise the next generation is my vision and my quest. 

I live with my husband, Bruce in Chicago, and I have four grown children and six grandchildren who live all over the US and I love visiting them, and I also love when they come to visit.